WS 2010/2011:

Steffi Bandelow: "Studies of extreme Paul-trap ellipticity (theory vs. experiment)" 11/10/2010

SS 2010:

Madlen Müller: "Results at the octupolar trap" 20/09/2010

Frank Wienholtz: "Report on numerical optimization and construction of a new cylindrical Penning trap" 25/08/2010

Alexander Walter: "Elliptical Paul Trap summary" 18/08/2010

Christian Droese: "Report of recent SHIPTRAP activities" 09/08/2010

Shane White: "Long term gravitational compensation measurements in the demo trap" 02/08/2010

Rosemarie Maugsch: "Results from the modifed Paul-Tof apparatus" 27/07/2010

Shane White: "LabVIEW program for automated gravity compensation in Demo Traps" 20/07/2010

Franklin Martinez: "Axial excitation of electrons - Results of ClusterTrap measurements" 12/07/2010

Maximilian Gruber: "Comparison of two MCP detectors at the ClusterTrap apparatus" 05/07/2010

Stefan Knauer: "Optimization of the magnetron sputter source" 29/06/2010

Franklin Martinez: "ClusterTrap measurements" 21/06/2010

Steffi Bandelow: "Overview about the last measurements - Ellipticity studies (2nd part)" 14/06/2010

Frank Wienholtz: "Plasmapolymerisation von Ethylendiamin (EDA) in kapazitiv gekoppelten Hochfrequenzentladungen (diploma defense talk)" 07/06/2010

Frank Wienholtz: "New software tool for evaluation of (tof-) spectra" 31/05/2010

Steffi Bandelow: "Overview about the last measurements - Ellipticity studies" 25/05/2010

Frank Wienholtz: "Travel report [GSI, Heidelberg]" 10/05/2010

Stefan Knauer: "First ToF measurements from the Magnetron Source" 03/05/2010

Stephan Gierke: "Particle tracing in ion traps" 26/04/2010

Steffi Bandelow: "Results from DP-excitation measurements at the ClusterTrap buncher" 06/04/2010

WS 2009/2010:

Franklin Martinez: "Appearance size of AL_n^2- and production of Al_n^3- at ClusterTrap" 22/03/2010

Lutz Schweikhard: "The GAMBIT experiment: first results (DPG Hannover)" 22/03/2010

Martin Arndt: "The ADIT (asymmetric digital ion trap) Simulations and calculations" 19/03/2010

Albert Vass: "The new ClusterTrap setup" 08/03/2010

Franklin Martinez: "ClusterTrap measurements" 01/03/2010

Franklin Martinez: "A new Linear Fan in / Fan out Module " 19/02/2010

Falk Ziegler: "The FPGA and the CS framework" /12/02/2010

Falk Ziegler: "A New Time Pattern Generator for ClusterTrap" 08/02/2010

Prof. Dieter Gerlich: "Carbon structures in low and high temperature ion traps" 29/01/2010

Albert Vass: "The New Cylindrical Demo Trap" 25/01/2010

Dr. Ehlbeck (INP): "Laser spectroscopy (CERS) of microparticles" 18/01/2010

Steffi Bandelow: "Hot Clusters in a Split Ring Paul Trap (PhD thesis of Silvio Decker (2009))" 15/01/2010

Franklin Martinez: "Update on recent progress at ClusterTrap" 11/01/2010

Stephan Gierke: "Status report on tracking of particle motion in DemoTrap" 04/01/2010

Marco Rosenbusch, Robert Wolf: "Status report of the assembling of the isobar separator at CERN " 18/12/2009

Gerrit Marx: "The trappers activities at Greifswald (for bachelor students) " 12/12/2009

Marco Rosenbusch: "Simulations on "inverse Ramsey" quadrupole excitation" 23/11/2009

Falk Ziegler: "Photodesorption from MetalClusters" 16/11/2009

Franklin Martinez: "Resonant X-ray absorptionspectroscopy " 16/11/2009

Franklin Martinez, Falk Ziegler: "Report about the Cluster-Treffen at Herzogenhorn 2009" 13/11/2009

Albert Vass: "Simulation on ClusterTrap ion extraction" 06/11/2009

Marco Rosenbusch: "Report about the summerschool in LEUVEN" 16/10/2009

Albert Vass: "GIANT molecules in a Penning trap" 12/10/2009

SS 2009

Christian Breitenfeldt: "SHIPTRAP beamtime report" 29/09/2009

Martin Breitenfeldt: "Massmeasurements at ISOLTRAP" 28/08/2009

Martin Arndt: "Status of the mobile Paul trap system" 28/08/2009

Connor Behan : "SWIFT with LabVIEW" 18/08/2009

Christian Breitenfeldt : "The Paul-ToF Experiment" 11/08/2009

Franklin Martinez : "A step to understanding stepping motors" 28/07/2009

Nicole Koenig, Stefan Gierke: "Optical Analysis of Ion Trajectories in a Paultrap " 14/07/2009

Robert Wolf: "The Electrostatic Trap Workshop in Aarhus" 07/07/2009

Falk Ziegler: "Laser spectroscopy and cooling of Os- in a Penning trap" 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.043001" 23/06/2009

Steffi Bandelow: "Radial excitation in a Paultrap" 16/06/2009

Albert Vass: "Properties of MCPs and Channeltrons" 09/06/2009

Christian Breitenfeldt: "Status of the Paul-ToF measurements" 02/06/2009

Robert Wolf: "The Isobarseparator for ISOLTRAP" 12/05/2009

Falk Ziegler: "Photoinduced transitions in atomic physics: The dependence on the polarization of the light?" 12/05/2009

Franklin Martinez: "Multipole Ion Trap as Cluster-Ion Source" Jap. (J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) 4312, DOI:10.1143/JJAP.46.4312) 28/04/2009

Robert Wolf: "rf trap geometries including Multipole Ion Traps" 14/04/2009

Christian Breitenfeldt:"First results of the PaulToF optimization" 14/04/2009

Albert Vass: "Andreas Kürten: Dissertation on Aerosol ion trap mass spectrometer, 2007, Mainz" 07/04/2009

WS 2008/2009:

Martin Arndt: "The digital ion trap DIT" 26/03/2009

Christian Breitenfeldt:"Optimierung einer Paulfallen-ToF-Apparatur" 19/03/2009

Albert Vass: "The Ion buncher at ClusterTrap" 06/03/2009

Albert Vass: "The Ion bender at ClusterTrap" 23/02/2009

Steffi Bandelow: "Untersuchungen an einer Paulfalle, Teil 3" 23/02/2009

Steffi Bandelow: " Untersuchungen an einer Paulfalle, Teil 2, 05/02/2009

Steffi Bandelow: "Untersuchung radialer Resonanzen in einer Paulfalle"21/01/2009

Christian Breitenfeldt: "Anwendung der Penningfalle in Clusterforschung und Massenspektrometrie" 20/01/2009

Marco Rosenbusch: "Simulations of cooling processes with different excitations" 20/01/2009

Steffi Bandelow: "Extraktionstechniken an der Paulfalle"15/01/2009

Nicole Koenig/Stephan Gierke: "Investigation of ion trajectories in Paul traps" 12/12/2008

Martin Arndt: "Simulation zur Optimierung der Fluegelgeometrie im Quadrupole Ion Buncher" (04/12/2008)

Robert Wolf: "Ion-optical simulations of potential lift in multi ToF and Paul-trap ToF" (20/11/2008)

Dr. Franz X. Bronold (EMAU): "Microscoping model of particle charging" PRL 101, 175002 (2008) ( )(13/11/2008)

Christian Breitenfeldt: "The Penning trap"(29/10/2008)

Noelle Walsh: "Cluster anion production"(23/10/2008)

Sudarshan Baruah: "Octupolar excitation"(16/10/2008)

Marco Rosenbusch: "Status report on the start of simulations of an ion cloud in a Penning trap" (10/10/2008)